This Blog is my first Blog. It will talk about something I work at a lot . That is my very small
Business called E.L.P. It was created to meet the legal requirements for the State of Illinois.
What my little company does is to buy and sell things. In the past that has been used computers.
Please both Desktops and Laptops. But it also has done computer parts such as hard drives.
E.L.P. also does all other kinds of items. Being the owner operator of E.L.P. if we find it cheap
and please if can make money on it. We try to make a hard earn dollar. If we can get together on
something that you are looking for. I will see what I can find. That is one reason why I am taking this
course is to make my internet skills for the business better. My email address is
if you would like to talk to me about my business and what I do.